Democracy Now: Roadside Bombing Kills Four Canadian Troops and Canadian Journalist

In a separate incident in Afghanistan, four Canadian troops and a Canadian journalist were killed Wednesday. They died when their armored vehicle was hit by a roadside bomb in southern Kandahar province. The journalist was identified as thirty-four-year-old Calgary Herald reporter Michelle Lang. She was on on her fist assignment in Afghanistan and had only been in the country since December 11. She’s the first Canadian journalist to die in the Afghan war and is believed to be the first Calgary Herald reporter ever killed on the job in the paper’s 126-year history.

Calgary Herald Editor Lorne Motley: “She was the person that you could always look to to be an example and to take things and make them special, because she was a special person. And we really feel for her family and her fiancé and her friends, obviously, whether they’re in the newsroom or elsewhere.”

~ by wheresthemic on December 31, 2009.

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